Newcastle post

The Duchenne Research Fund is part of a consortium of charities working on Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) that has awarded a Fellowship to Dr Michela Guglieri in partnership with Newcastle University and Newcastle University Teaching Hospital to develop and advance the clinical trial agenda for this devastating and currently incurable condition. The group of charities: Action Duchenne, Alex’s Wish, Duchenne Children’s Trust, Duchenne Now, Duchenne Research Fund, Harrison’s Fund and Joining Jack all have a shared goal to bring new treatments to the clinic for Duchenne muscular dystrophy as quickly as possible.

Dr Michela GuglieriThe award of £250,000 over five years is being matched by Newcastle University to enable Dr Guglieri to develop the clinical trial capacity for Duchenne at the John Walton Muscular Dystrophy Research Centre and nationally via work on a range of different projects which will consolidate knowledge on the best way to run trials for DMD. There are currently eight trials in DMD ongoing at the Clinical Research Facility at NUTH supported by the John Walton Muscular Dystrophy Research Centre and by the NIHR CRN. Several new studies are also on the horizon.

Read more about the Duchenne Research Fund’s projects here.


About the John Walton Muscular Dystrophy Research Centre

The John Walton Muscular Dystrophy Research Centre brings together and consolidates Newcastle’s distinguished, international and world-leading record in research and care for neuromuscular diseases. The team of over 70 people based at Newcastle University and its associated hospitals work together towards the development and application of genomic and translational medicine to improve the health outcomes of people living with neuromuscular diseases. As a group, the Centre has developed a close and important link between research and clinical activities and actively pursues new partnerships with other stakeholders such as patient organisations, regulators and pharma. The John Walton Centre’s key areas of activity – including clinical care, research, diagnostics and networking – all are strongly interlinked. It is the collaboration and work across these teams that are key to the Centre’s success and impact in the neuromuscular field.